Aug 31, 2015

Elmedia Player PRO for Mac [Personal License]

Elmedia Player PRO for Mac [Personal License]
Elmedia Player is a convenient multifunctional media player for Mac OS X, which can play a great variety of formats. All Mac users will find its media library easy-to-use and already familiar to them from iTunes. You can create, manage and delete playlists. Also try out smart playlists: you can create them by choosing special parameters, and then Elmedia Player will organize files matching your criteria automatically.

There is PRO version available. It gives you even more: download videos and animations you like from the web directly to your hard drive (except for the streaming channels); enjoy videos in full-screen mode; make a screenshot of the favorite moment or convert the whole movie into series of screenshots.

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Virtual Modem Pro [OEM License]

Virtual Modem Pro [OEM License]
Virtual Modem PRO creates software virtual IP-modems using Eltima's branded virtual serial ports technology. All created virtual modems are mapped to virtual serial ports in your operating system. Virtual modems fully emulate real hardware modems and duplicate their functionality. However, virtual modems can do more, as they use Ethernet network, including Internet, VLAN and VPN instead of conventional telephone line.

Platform:   Windows NT, Windows XP x32, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64

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Java Chart Designer [Redistribution License]

Java Chart Designer [Redistribution License]
Java Chart Designer is a powerful charting Java application that empowers you with all necessary tools to create charts for professionally looking presentations, business and scientific reports that can be easily integrated into website as Java applet, Java applications or saved as JPEG images. A user-friendly interface, great number of visual effects and predefined chart types, flexible chart components selection, powerful animation and on-screen real-time chart visualization make Java Chart Designer usage an easy and delightful experience. Charts creation process is greatly alleviated thanks to convenient chart wizard which guides you through all steps: from Excel-like data source setting to resulting chart file.

Platform:   Platform independent

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Run Service ActiveX [OEM license]

Run Service ActiveX [OEM license]
Run Service ActiveX is a powerful tool to help you create and run any application as a native Windows Service. Just register the ActiveX Control in your system and place it on the form. After that you will be able to use all the benefits of Windows Services. Using this control's methods, events and properties you will be able to start/stop/pause your service, launch application in the new thread, define service group which your application belongs to, modify service group order dependencies etc.

Platform:   Windows 2000, Windows XP x32, Windows Server 2003, XP Tablet PC

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Application As Service [Unlimited Site License]

Application As Service [Unlimited Site License]
Application as Service is a cutting edge solution that will let you run any application as a Windows service, benefitting from all the advantages native Windows services have, still providing you with many more functions.

Application as Service offers advanced recovery options (restart the service your application is started by; restart computer; launch supplementary application), sophisticated dependencies mechanism, pre-service/post-service application start-up, your application rights/priority management, "application-crash" protection, graceful console application exit, on-the-fly start-up customization and lots more.

Platform:   Windows 2000, Windows XP x32, Windows Server 2003  

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Show.kit [Unlimited Business License]

Show.kit [Unlimited Business License]
Show.kit is a treat for everybody who needs to create a website in lightning speed, embodying the most progressive approach to quick creation of Flash websites, HTML websites and Flash presentations. Thus it makes Show.kit an all-in-one solution. The latest version of Show.kit makes it possible now to create classical HTML websites just the same easy in one click. Show.kit will save your time, efforts and money. The interface provides an easy to use project tree that allows you to edit and customize individual components. The result, compiled with a single click, is a fully-workable, ready-for-upload Flash or HTML web-site, Flash presentation, or both!

Platform:   Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP x32, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003

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Virtual Serial Ports Driver [Single License]

Virtual Serial Ports Driver [Single License]
Virtual Serial Port Driver creates virtual serial ports and connects them in pairs via virtual null-modem cable. Applications on both ends of the pair will be able to exchange data in such a way, that everything written to the first port will appear in the second one and backwards.

All virtual serial ports work and behave exactly like real ones, emulating all their settings. You can create as many virtual port pairs as you want, so there will be no serial ports shortage and no additional hardware crowding your desk.

Platform:   Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP x32, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003

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Aug 22, 2015

HS POP3 Source Code License (1 Developer), with 15% discount

HS POP3 Source Code License (1 Developer), with 15% discount
Overview: HS POP3 is a software library in C (optionally supplied with full source code) which implements the client side of Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) over TCP socket layer according to RFC 1939. Among other features, the library supports user authentication, reception of basic internet headers and text, message deletion and statistics.


* POP3 Client Operation
* Server name resolution
* Supports up to 5 contexts
* Header Reception & Parsing
* Message Text Reception

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Platform:   Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP x32, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003, XP Tablet PC, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista x32, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista x64

Hard Disk Sentinel PROFESSIONAL 75 licenses

Hard Disk Sentinel PROFESSIONAL 75 licenses
Hard Disk Sentinel PROFESSIONAL monitors hard disk status, health, performance and temperature. Additionally, it can perform scheduled backup operations and/or execute such operations upon any hard disk problem, for example it can start automatic backup on low disk condition.

Hard Disk Sentinel PROFESSIONAL can effectively be used to prevent serious hard disk damage or data loss. It warns before a problem can occur and this gives opportunity to backup important and valuable data. Thanks to the automatic (scheduled) and panic-backup features, your valuable data will be safe. 
Download Demo
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP x32, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista x32, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7

ER-241 SD Card Data Recovery PRO

ER-241 SD Card Data Recovery PRO
ER-241 SD Card Data Recovery PRO

Platform:   Windows XP x32, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista x32, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Android, Windows 8, Windows 8 x32

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TrafficPrisma Inc.

  • HypnoticMind 5h LIVE
    275 Minuten LIVE-Mitschnitte aus dem exklusiven HypnoticMind-MasterSeminar mit Tobias Knoof und Bernfried Opala (Potsdam, Zeppelin-Lounge)

  • MobilePrisma
    Exklusiver Teil aus der TrafficPrisma-Serie zum Aufbau großer Trafficströme über mobile Endgeräte wie Smartphones, Tablet-PC´s, Reader, Iphones & Ipads.

  • TrafficPrisma
    Der Original TrafficPrisma© Masterkurs zum Aufbau, zur Steuerung und zur Automation einer Flut von zielgruppengenauen Traffic für jede beliebige Website im Internet

  • TrafficPrisma 6h LIVE
    6h LIVE-Mitschnitte aus dem exklusiven TrafficPrisma "InnerCircle" Seminar mit Tobias Knoof (Potsdam, Zeppelin-Lounge). Das TrafficPrisma© System zeigt den Aufbau, die Steuerung und die Automation einer Flut von zielgruppengenauen Traffic für jede beliebige Website im Internet

  • HypnoticMind
    Der HypnoticMind Masterkurs beschreibt 28 wissenschaftlich erforschte Beeinflussungsmethoden des menschlichen Geistes und wie man diese im Marketing mit teils spektakulären Resultaten einsetzt (incl. tausender sofort einsatzbereiter hypnotischer Sprachmuster & Textbausteine)

  • ProfitMaps 1
    Die ProfitMaps sind ausgefeilte MegaPoster mit je ca. 1h Videotraining. Das "ProfitMaps-1" Paket besteht aus... + Social-TrafficKarte (+ 48 min. Video) Die wirklichen Zusammenhänge zwischen Werbung & Traffic im Social Web Ÿ+ TrafficPrisma (+ 50 min. Video) Trafficaufbau entschlüsselt! So gewinnen Sie kräftige Kundenströme im Internet Ÿ + Brick-Business (+ 55 min. Video) Wie Sie "Plug & Play" Ihr eigenes hochprofitables Online-Business erstellen

  • ProfitMaps 2
    Die ProfitMaps sind ausgefeilte MegaPoster mit je ca. 1h Videotraining. Das "ProfitMaps-2" Paket besteht aus... + BlackPrisma (+ 56 min. Video) So organisieren sich Marketing-Profis Tausende neuer Kunden im Internet Ÿ + Kunden-Matrix (+ 51 min. Video) Wie Sie Web-Trichter zur Kundengewinnung & Umsatzsteigerung aufbauen Ÿ + SEO-Pyramide (+ 64 min. Video) Wie Sie eine deutliche Suchmaschinendominanz bei Google & Co erreichen

  • ProfitMaps 3
    Die ProfitMaps sind ausgefeilte MegaPoster mit je ca. 1h Videotraining. Das "ProfitMaps-3" Paket besteht aus... + LaunchTimer für "Blogs" (+ 100 min. Video) Wie Sie über Blogs aufmerksamkeitsstarke Produkteinführungen aufbauen Ÿ + LaunchTimer für "Affiliates" (+ 82 min. Video) Wie Sie Ihre Affiliates bei Launches zu Höchstleistungen motivieren Ÿ + UmsatzMaximizer (+58 min. Video) Wie Sie starke, virale "Butterfly-Effekt" initiieren und multiplizieren

  • Traffic-MegaPaket
    Die ProfitMaps sind aufwendig erstellte MegaPoster mit je ca. 1h Videotraining. Insgesamt erhalten Sie mit diesem Sonderangebot einmalig 9 MegaPoster in einer riesigen Auflösung und 9h Videotraining! Thema aller Poster & Videos: Trafficaufbau, Trafficsteuerung, Trafficautomation, Prelaunchaufbau, Launchplanung, virale Loops, Konversiontrichter, Verkaufsfunnels und alles was die "Big Dogs" der Marketingszene lieber für sich behalten würden...

  • LocalPrisma
    Das LocalPrisma: Wie Sie im Internet lokale Märkte erobern & kaufkräftige Kunden zu Ihren Webseiten und Ladengeschäften leiten! Traffic- & Besucheraufbau für reale Läden, Geschäfte und Shops. Ein exklusiver Teil aus der TrafficPrisma-Serie!

  • MagicButton-Paket
    Das MagicButton-Paket beinhaltet ein WP-Plugin sowie ein exaktes Template zum Aufbau extrem starker Video-Salespages, mit welchem die Umsätze auf der eigenen Salespage mindestens VERDOPPELT werden können. Zusätzlich beinhaltet das Paket das Original HypnoticMind- und das BlackMind Megaposter sowie eine Installationsanleitung. Für User die kein Wordpress nutzen, liegt das Plugin in normalen HTML-Code bei. Der Einbau des Scriptes dauert weniger als 1 Minute. Sie können sofort mit höheren Konversions & Bestellungen rechnen!

  • WP-SlideOptin
    Das Wordpress-Plugin WP-OptinSlider ermöglicht das zeitgesteuerte einblenden aufmerksamkeitsstarker Leadforms, Salesvideos oder Werbemittel zum Aufbau großer Leadlisten und mehr Umsätzen. Das Plugin funktioniert mit jedem Emailanbieter wie Aweber, Klicktipp oder Cleverreach, sowie dutzenden weiteren! Die Leads werden direkt in diese Anbieter importiert oder können auch als Excel exportiert werden. Für jede Seite in Wordpress können beliebig viele Kampagnen erstellt werden.

  • WP-TrafficBar
    Das Wordpress-Plugin WP-TrafficBar ermöglicht das zeitgesteuerte einblenden aufmerksamkeitsstarker Slider, die von oben oder unten mithilfe zahlreicher Feature und Funktion eingeblendet werden können. Das Plugin funktioniert mit jedem Emailanbieter, jedem Theme & jeder WP-Installation! Für jede Seite oder Beitrag in Wordpress kann ein Slider angelegt werden, welcher Leadforms, Videos, Coupons, Sonderangebote, Audio, Downloads oder ganz allgemein beliebiges HTML enthalten kann. Das Plugin ist sehr flexibel & leicht zu bedienen!

  • WP-Plugin Bundle (5 Must-Have Marketing-Plugins)
    Das Bundle enthält 5 Must-Have Marketing Wordpress-Plugins in Premium-Qualität: WP-TrafficBar, WP-SlideOptin, WP-MagicButton, WP-SalesTimer und WP-VideoOptin.

  • WP-Plugin Bundle (5 Must-Have Marketing-Plugins) INCL. PLR / RESELLER RECHTE
    Das Bundle enthält 5 Must-Have Marketing Wordpress-Plugins in Premium-Qualität: WP-TrafficBar, WP-SlideOptin, WP-MagicButton, WP-SalesTimer und WP-VideoOptin.

  • WP-Affiliator
    WP-Affiliator ist ein Wordpress-Plugin und ermöglicht es Partnerprogramm-Betreibern ihren Affiliates dutzende fertiger Werbemittel mit nur 1 Klick zur Verfügung zu stellen. Für jedes Produkt was beworben werden soll, kann WP-Affiliator einen neuen Werbemittel-Generator erstellen. Die Einbindung des Generator erfolgt mit einem simplen Shortcode innerhalb von Sekunden!

  • WP-SalesTimer
    WP-SalesTimer ist ein umfangreicher Timer und Counter, welcher durch Shortcodes in beliebige Seiten, Beiträge, Sidebars oder Widgets eingebunden werden kann. Zahlreiche Optionen zum Anpassen der Timer und des Designs stehen über eine einfache grafische Oberfläche zur Verfügung. Einsatzgebiete des Timers sind Salespages, Landingpages, Squeezepages, OTO (One-Time-Offer / Sonderangebote), Prelaunch-Seiten, Ankündigungsseiten etc. Durch Timer wird nachweislich eine starke Verknappung und Steigerung der Kaufrate erreicht.

  • WP-FacebookPlaner

  • WP-TwitterPlaner

  • WP-LinkedinPlaner

  • VideoPages (Mutter aller Landingpages)
    Die Videopages "Mutter aller Landingpages" sind eine exklusive Sammlung von stark konvertierenden Video-Landingpage-Templates für den sofortigen praktischen Einsatz. Die Templates liegen in HTML vor und können beliebig an die eigenen Bedürfnisse angepasst werden. Ebenso ist die Integration eigener Videos und Optin-Formulare vorgesehen. Die schlichte und einfache Aufbau führt zu hervorragenden Anmelde- und Optin-Ergebnissen auf den eigenen Landingpages. Ein Video-Tutorial ist dem Paket beigefügt.

  • StartupChecklisten
    Die StartupChecklisten sind eine Sammlung von wichtigen Schritten, in einer sinnvollen Reihenfolge, von der Gründung hin zum erfolgreichen Online-Business. Das Paket besteht aus zahlreichen Checklisten, Handouts, Anleitungen, Ebooks, Poster und Arbeitsbüchern. So wird es auch für den Laien verständlich, wie man ein eigenes lukratives Online-Business aufbaut. Das Paket ist so konzipiert, dass jeder sofort starten kann.

  • WP-VideoOptin
    Das WordPress-Plugin ermöglicht den Aufbau von extrem stark konvertierenden Video-Landingpages. Es bindet beliebige Videos in den Hintergrund einer Landingpage ein und sorgt so für außergewöhnlich hohe Anmelderaten. Mit dem Plugin können beliebig viele video-basierte Landingpages erstellt und verwaltet werden. In jede Landingpage kann ein Optinform eingebunden und mit jedem gewünschten Dienst wie Aweber, Infusionsoft, Graphicmail, Rapidmail, Mailresponder, Getresponse, Klicktipp etc. verbunden werden.

  • WP-EasyPopup

UltraMixer 3 Professional for Mac OS X

UltraMixer 3 Professional for Mac OS X
UltraMixer Professional contains more functions than UltraMixer Basic and comes with an upgraded user interface. Beginners will get used to this version very soon. UltraMixer Professional suits professional users, who are already experienced in the world of digital mixing, and who don't want to miss a lot of useful features. Those are some of the functions UltraMixer Professional offers: Realtime Effects, Sampler, 31 band equalizer, Hardware Controller support and much more. The purchase of a licence for UltraMixer Professional authorizes individual persons and organisations for private, public and commercial use of this software. 

Download Demo

Platform:   Unix / Linux, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP x32, Windows 98, Windows ME, Mac OS X, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista x32

Intermedia Software

  • Helium Music Streamer
    The Helium Music Streamer delivers a web front-end to your Helium Music Manager music library. It enables immediate on-demand streaming of your entire music collection to anywhere in the world.

  • Helium Music Manager 10 Premium (Upgrade)
    Rip, locate, play, edit tags and burn your favourite music. Download and display lyrics, album reviews, artist biographies and more.

  • Helium Music Manager 10 Premium
    Rip, locate, play, edit tags and burn your favourite music. Download and display lyrics, album reviews, artist biographies and more.

  • Helium Music Manager 10 Network (Upgrade)
    Rip, locate, play, edit tags and burn your favourite music. Download and display lyrics, album reviews, artist biographies and more.

  • Helium Music Manager 10 Network
    Rip, locate, play, edit tags and burn your favourite music. Download and display lyrics, album reviews, artist biographies and more.

Easy Drive Data Recovery Personal License

Easy Drive Data Recovery Personal License
Is the ideal rescue package for those who have any problems with their hard drives, flash drives or lost important data. The software is designed specifically for data recovery of corrupted, damaged or lost information. Operation is simple—just select the disk where the files were located and Easy Drive Data Recovery software operates to perform data recovery. Important data can also be recovered from SmartMedia, Secure Digital, Compact Flash, MemoryStick, ZIP, USB hard drives or other media. Easy Drive Data Recovery supports NTFS, FAT16 and FAT32 file systems and uses Raw Search technology to determine file types according to known data structures. This technology enables discovery of files even if their location and size is not stored in the file system structures. There are more then 80 file types automatically detected by Raw Search.

Platform:   Windows 2000, Windows XP x32, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista x32, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64

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Aug 11, 2015

BitRaser 2 Year License at $69

BitRaser 2 Year License at $69
BitRaser – Home edition
Most trusted data erasure program to wipe multiple storage devices
A secured data erasure application that sanitizes various digital storage assets and remove all the possibilities of data recovery.

  • Securely erase data from PC's, Desktop, laptops and Memory Cards.
  • Remove multiple volumes of hard drive simultaneously
  • Securely optimized to wipe the storage media at high speed
  • No installation required, comes with a bootable USB Device
  • Securely erase data, beyond the scope of recovery
  • Support ZERO FILL erasure method
  • Inbuilt Flash Drive of 4GB

Kernel Office 365 Migrator for GroupWise

Kernel Office 365 Migrator for GroupWise
Kernel Office 365 Migrator for GroupWise is the best tool available to migrate single or multiple GroupWise mailboxes to Office 365. The software ensures complete and accurate migration of all mailbox items in a very short span of time. The software also supports migration of archived items. The software displays a very user-friendly interface which makes it quite easy to operate. You can easily operate it without any assistance or technical knowledge. The software is equipped with high-end data migration features.

Prominent features of Kernel Office 365 Migrator for GroupWise:
  • Accurately all GroupWise mailbox items including emails, drafts, contacts, attachments, tasks, notes, deleted items, sent items, etc. to cloud-based Office 365 in almost no time
  • Supports migratiomigrates n of multiple GroupWise mailboxes to Office 365 without making any data loss
  • Integrated with three data migration modes - Default Mode, Login Mode, and Command Line Mode, to perform complete and accurate data migration in almost every situation
  • Allows preview of the content of migrated files and folders before saving
  • Provides HTML or Text preview of migrated GroupWise mailbox items
  • Allows migration of selected items based upon different parameters such as date range, tasks, contacts, etc.
  • Supports Unicode Character migration
  • Compatible with almost all versions of Novell GroupWise and Windows OS
  • User-friendly interactive Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Steps to Perform GroupWise Mailbox to Office 365 Migration
Kernel Office 365 Migrator for GroupWise smoothly allows organizations to migrate user mailboxes from Novell GroupWise to Office 365. The tool easily exports business emails, contacts and other communication data of the Novell GroupWise Server to Office 365 environment by following the steps mentioned below:

In this step, you make the selection of appropriate option to migrate single or batch of GroupWise Mailboxes

In this step, make selection of respective mode to carry out the migration of single GroupWise mailbox

In this step, after having preview of emails or other items of GroupWise User Mailbox, select the item types along with the date range that need to be migrated to Office 365.

Supported Versions:
  • Novell GroupWise: 2014, 2012, 8.0, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0, and 5.5
  • MS Excel: 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, XP, 2000, 97, and 95
  • Windows OS: 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 98, NT, and 95
  • Windows Server: 2012, 2008 R2, 2008, 2003 R2, and 2003
Basic System Requirements
Your computer system needs to fulfill some basic requirements for the successful installation of the software. Your system must have:
  • Process - Pentium Class
  • Memory - 64 MB RAM (128 MB recommended)
  • 50MB for software installation
  • Enough free disk space to save migrated data 
Available in Free Trial Version
Trial version of Kernel Office 365 Migrator for GroupWise is available for free. You can download the trial version without any charges to evaluate its performance. And, if fits your requirements, you can purchase the software.
Note: You cannot save the migrated GroupWise mailbox data to Office 365 with trial version. You need to purchase the software license to save migrated GroupWise data.

Heroglyph RAPID (- 25%)

Heroglyph RAPID (- 25%)
For everyone`s budget: for only 79 EURO!!!
Extreme Creativity power for your video editing:
Titling effects + Trailer + Multivisions + Routedesigns + 3D-Photo-/Video-Slideshows !

Download Demo

Platform:   Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista, Windows 7

Adorage Effectpackage Vol. 1 Backup-CD

Adorage Effectpackage Vol. 1 Backup-CD
This effectpackage is just versatile: spectacular fire effects, Jets transitions, tricky compositions and PiPs, everything from all and for everyone. Over 800 effects are ready to be used by one single mouseclick and can being directly integrated in your video editing solution by using the optional "Adorage All Plugins Collection" 

Hard Disk Sentinel PROFESSIONAL 50 licenses

Hard Disk Sentinel PROFESSIONAL 50 licenses
Hard Disk Sentinel PROFESSIONAL monitors hard disk status, health, performance and temperature. Additionally, it can perform scheduled backup operations and/or execute such operations upon any hard disk problem, for example it can start automatic backup on low disk condition.

Hard Disk Sentinel PROFESSIONAL can effectively be used to prevent serious hard disk damage or data loss. It warns before a problem can occur and this gives opportunity to backup important and valuable data. Thanks to the automatic (scheduled) and panic-backup features, your valuable data will be safe.

Download Demo

Platform:   Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7


HelpNDoc Standard Edition Site License

HelpNDoc Standard Edition Site License
HelpNDoc is an easy to use yet powerful and intuitive tool to create html help files.
HelpNDoc provides a clear and efficient interface to build the most amazing html help files without worrying about the inner working of help file generation. You just have to enter your text in the built-in word processor and hit the "Compile" button to obtain a fully functional help file which looks exactly as you designed it.
Forget about bloated user interfaces and incomprehensible tools. HelpNDoc has been engineered to provide the most advanced functionalities in their simplest form: creating html help files is usually a painful process but thanks to HelpNDoc you may surprise yourself enjoying it!
You know how to use windows explorer and your favourite word processor? Then you already know how to use HelpNDoc: it's that easy! Add to that many powerful features such as live spell checking in a fully WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) environment and you'll begin to imagine how fast and easy it will be for you to create your next help file and how professional it will look like.
It's time to stop paying for overpriced and useless tools!

 Download Demo
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