Feb 17, 2016

Vollversion Lohnprogramm KH-Lohn 2016


Vollversion Lohnprogramm KH-Lohn 2016
Die effektive Lohnbuchhaltung für Kleinbetriebe und mittelständische Unternehmen, Freiberufler, Vereine und öffentliche Institutionen.
  • ELStAM, Anmeldung und Abmeldungen erstellen und senden. Änderungslisten mit dem ELStAM Modul abrufbar.
  • Abrechnung, Auswertungen, Überweisungen usw.
  • Keine Beschränkung der Datensatzanzahl, d.h. bel. viele Mandanten, Arbeitnehmer, Lohnarten und Krankenkassen eingebbar.
  • Mandantenfähig.
  • Erstellen von Lohn-, Gehalts-, Geringverdiener- und Aushilfeabrechnungen aller Art.
  • Jahresabrechnung
  • Drucken aller Stammdaten. Abrechnungen können auf neutralem Papier und auf vorgedruckten Lohntüten (IBM HS2) und neutralen Lohntüten, jeweils Endlos- oder Einzelblatt gedruckt werden.
  • Jahreslohnsteuertabelle und Jahreslohnsteuertabelle für sonstige Bezüge
  • Monatstabelle
  • Tagestabelle
  • Alle Tabellen für bel. hohe Löhne und Gehälter
  • Besondere Lohnsteuertabelle
  • Lohnarten unterschiedlichster Art für jeden Mitarbeiter individuell definierbar
  • Lohnartenschema anlegbar, somit kann man die erstmalige Anlage der Personaldaten stark automatisieren
  • Einmalzahlungen und Sonstige Bezüge
  • Solidaritätszuschlag
  • Urlaubsentgelt Berechnung
  • Pflegeversicherung
  • 3 Vermögenswirksame Leistungen möglich
  • Alle 13 zugelassenen Kirchen sind abrechenbar !
  • Kirchensteuersplitting
  • Mindestkirchensteuer
  • Automatischer Lohnsteuerjahresausgleich
  • Märzklausel
  • Abführung der SV-Beiträge eines Mitarbeiters an verschiedene Krankenkassen möglich
  • Umlageberechnung, bel. viele Umlagekrankenkassen mit drei Umlagesätzen.
  • Freiwillige KV und PV
  • Sachbezüge
  • Arbeitskammerabgabe für Saarland und Bremen.
  • Pauschale Lohnsteuer- und Kirchensteuerberechnung.
  • SV- und LSt-Tage, Urlaubs-, Krank-, Fehltageverwaltung und Auswertung
  • Automatische Berechnung der Lohnsteuer bei nicht vollen Abrechungszeiträumen anhand der Tagestabelle.
  • Lohnjournal für Monat und Jahr
  • Lohnkonto mit Jahressummen
  • Beitragsnachweis - kann direkt bei der Krankenkasse eingereicht werden
  • Umlagejournal.
  • Lohnsteuerbescheinigung
  • Druck der Versicherungsnachweise (Anmeldung, Abmeledung) für SV auf leeres Papier.
  • Kontroll- und Sofortmeldung für geringfügig Beschäftigte.
  • Finanzbuchhaltungs-Auswertung
  • FiBu-Konten frei vergebbar
  • MemoManager, damit vergessen Sie keine Bemerkungen, können beim Abrechnungerstellen mit in die Abrechnung eingebunden werden.
  • Viele Auswertungsmöglichkeiten, getrennt nach Arbeitern Angestellten und Aushilfen, in bestimmten Zeiträumen, getrennt nach Mandanten möglich.
  • Word/Excel/HTML/usw. Schnittstelle zur Übergabe der Stammdaten für bel. Weiterverarbeitung
  • Mutterschaftsgeldberechnung
  • Erstellt die Überweisungen für Löhne, Krankenkasse, Finanzamt, VWL und Vorschüsse
  • Netto-Brutto-Rechnung
  • Funktion Schnelles Abrechnung erstellen - damit können leicht 100 Abrechnungen in ca. 70 Sekunden erstellt werden.
  • Funktion : OneStep! Damit kann fast die gesamte monatliche Lohnbuchhaltung mit nur einem Mausklick erledigt werden.
  • Viele Listen druckbar, Geburtstagsliste, Personalliste, Vorschußliste etc.
  • Neue Form der SV-Meldung 2000. Mit einem Meldemanager zur Hilfe beim Erstellen der SV-Meldungen
  • Ausgabe der Daten: Alle Ausdrucke können gedruckt werden oder an viele verschiedene Windows-Anwendungen exportiert werden - Word, Excel, Lotus, Text, HTML, Mail, etc...
  • Import von Bruttolohndaten aus anderen Programmen möglich.
  • Alle Reports sind über einen Reportgenerartor (Crystal Reports) frei gestaltbar (nicht im Programm enthalten), da Sie in veränderbarer Form geliefert werden.
  • Druck der Lohnsteuer-Anmeldung (auf amtliches Formular), oder amtlich genehmigtes Formular, auf leeres Blatt genehmigt bei der Oberfinanzdirektion unter dem Aktenzeichen S2377B-270-St 33.
  • Drucken der Überweisungen für Lohn/Gehalt und VWL auf Endlosüberweisungsträger oder Einzalblatt. 

 Download Demo

Platform:   Windows XP x32, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista x32, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 8 x32, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10

Voice Reader Studio 15 SPA / Español (Argentina)/Spanish (Argentine)


Voice Reader Studio 15 SPA / Español (Argentina)/Spanish (Argentine)

Professional Text-to-Speech

High quality voice output with unrivaled pronunciation accuracy and natural sounding voices. Almost impossible to tell the difference from a real human voice. Convert your training documents or presentations, create audio books or traffic announcements and save time and money for expensive recording studios.
Speech synthesis has never been so perfect and easy to use!
Platform:   Windows Vista x32, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

Tom Ehlert Software

SolveigMM Video Splitter Portable 5 - Home Edition


SolveigMM Video Splitter Portable 5 - Home Edition
SolveigMM Video Splitteris advanced MPEG-2, AVI, WMV, ASF, MP3, WMA video and audio editor to operate in fast and lossless mode.

From version 2.0 MPEG-2 frame accurate editing support added.

SolveigMM Video Splitter has been presented on the market about 2.5 years! More and more video enthusiasts and professionals choose this product from hundreds alternatives.
Here some testimonials of Solveig Multimedia customers:

Thank you for your program. It has a fantastic interface and functionality - head and shoulders above all the others I tried.  I am amazed that full video editors such as ULead don't have the ability to cut sections out of a Video without re-encoding it. I looked for hours before finding yours. It worked just long enough for me to see it had a good interface. Now that I figured out a work-around, I am saving hours editing my WMV's with no loss in quality.
Peter Stirton, Canada, Oct 2008

Love the product so far, would like to see frame-accurate editing for WMV's. But this is the best around!
Roland Bowen, USA, Feb 2008

I tried the software and it worked out fine.  It really is doing what it is supposed to do. Namely, to split videos.
I also wish that you let me try the SolveigMM Video Editing SDK.  I wish I could put my hands it it.
Listen, congratulations on your sofware. I was using up until now the video splitter of this company: ... Your software is great. It was well worth the wait.
Joe Batallani, Italy, Jan 2007

Thank you for writing the Video Splitter. This is the best program of its type that I have seen! Great navigation operations and fast program response make editing tasks very quick and easy.
John Harris, USA, June 2007

I have been evaluating your video splitter product and would like to purchase for home use, it's a great product - the K-frame / frame navigation controls are pretty good!
Armitage, UK, June 2007

I've tried the SolveigMM VideoSplitter and I must say, for removing ads from WMVs this is by far the best program I've ever used
Stefan, USA, Nov 2006


Download Demo
Platform:   Windows 2000, Windows XP x32, Windows 98, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista x32, Windows 7, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 8 x32, Windows 8 x64


Stellar EDB to PST Converter V2.5-DE-Tech License


Stellar EDB to PST Converter V2.5-DE-Tech License
Stellar Phoenix EDB to PST Converter is an excellent tool to quickly convert your Exchange EDB into corresponding Outlook PST files. The software facilitates selective conversion of online as well as offline Exchange databases and gives you the choice to export mailbox items to PST, EML, or MSG files. The competent tool shows preview of all mailbox items (emails, tasks, etc.) and also supports conversion of PUB.EDB files in the offline mode

Stellar Phoenix Outlook Pst Repair V4.5-IT-SOHO+Box


Stellar Phoenix Outlook Pst Repair V4.5-IT-SOHO+Box
Stellar Phoenix Outlook PST Repair 4.5 repairs damaged PST files to recover important data such as emails, attachments, calendar items, etc and restore them in a new PST file.

Stellar Phoenix Word Recovery V4.1-EN-SOHO


Stellar Phoenix Word Recovery V4.1-EN-SOHO
Stellar Phoenix Word Recovery Software is simple and effective utility for repairing corrupt MS Word documents without damaging their original formatting. The tool provides three repair options as ‘Simple Repair’, ‘Advance Repair’, and ‘Raw Recovery’. It provides the option to see the preview of repaired Word file in ‘Full Document’, ‘Filtered Text’ and ‘Raw Text’ formats. This tool even searches for the Word file, if its location is forgotten.

Feb 2, 2016

VitaScene Plugin for Pinnacle Studio(Locked Demoversion)


VitaScene Plugin for Pinnacle Studio(Locked Demoversion)
The very first press comments regarding the Pre-Version
Videofilmen 2/2007 "...Effects with turbo...", "Easy use, no learning curve, fast use, very high quality..."
Video Aktiv Digital 1/2007 "... first-class and very elegant Effects...", "... easy to use..."
And just a couple of comprehensive incoming user-comments

Ladies & Gentlemen,
This is the best software I have ever used till now.
VItascene has a set of transitions really wonderful.
I have never seen effects like those, believe me.
One more thank to your programmers! They have understood the need of
professional and modern users

GREAT STUFF!!! The additions are absolutely wonderful for impactful ads and music videos. You've wet my appetite for the final version. I again congratulate you on excellent plugins for Adobe and look forward to your producing more great time saving plugins for Adobe Premiere Pro for professional users.

This is a great product. Most of all very easy to use.

Leon v. L.:
It’s wonderfull, perfect. Many great effects for low cost. You did a great job.

Download Demo

Platform: Windows 2000, Windows XP x32, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista x32, Windows 7, incl. Plug-ins for NLEs

Adorage Effectpackage Vol. 6 Backup-CD


Adorage Effectpackage Vol. 6 Backup-CD
With these Volume the collection got to be more and more popular. But there where needs and wishes of users and those are implemented here. This is the reasonfor the wide range of use and the flexibility of this effects. Further new Transitions, Compositings, Pips und Frames - for Cutter a "Creative Cow"! All hundreds of these effects can being directly integrated in your video editing solution by using the optional "Adorage All Plugins Collection".

 Product Website      Demos

Platform:   Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP x32, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista x32, Windows 7

7-PDF COM API - Server License


7-PDF COM API - Server License

Download Demo

Platform:   Windows 2000, Windows XP x32, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista x32, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8

HelpNDoc Professional Edition Floating License


HelpNDoc Professional Edition Floating License
HelpNDoc is an easy to use yet powerful and intuitive tool to create html help files.
HelpNDoc provides a clear and efficient interface to build the most amazing html help files without worrying about the inner working of help file generation. You just have to enter your text in the built-in word processor and hit the "Compile" button to obtain a fully functional help file which looks exactly as you designed it.
Forget about bloated user interfaces and incomprehensible tools. HelpNDoc has been engineered to provide the most advanced functionalities in their simplest form: creating html help files is usually a painful process but thanks to HelpNDoc you may surprise yourself enjoying it!
You know how to use windows explorer and your favourite word processor? Then you already know how to use HelpNDoc: it's that easy! Add to that many powerful features such as live spell checking in a fully WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) environment and you'll begin to imagine how fast and easy it will be for you to create your next help file and how professional it will look like.
It's time to stop paying for overpriced and useless tools!

 Download Demo

Platform:   Windows XP x32, Windows Server 2003, XP Tablet PC, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista x32, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64

Webvoipphone SRL

  • Mizu SoftPhone
    MizuPhone is a full featured VOIP softphone based on the open standard SIP protocol with an easy to use interface

  • Mizu Webphone -Advanced
    The Mizu-WebPhone is a lightweight standard based VOIP phone that can be run even from webpages.

  • VoIP tunneling
    By using encrypted VoIP transport users will be able to communicate confidentially and your VoIP traffic cannot be sniffed and blocked by third party agencies or corporate firewalls.

  • Mizutech Softswitch
    Mizu Softswitch is a rich featured VoIP server system running on Microsoft Windows platform.

  • VoIP Server
    All in one VoIP services

  • Mizu Webphone -Standard
    The Mizu-WebPhone is a lightweight standard based VOIP phone that can be run even from webpages.

  • Mizu Webphone -Basic
    The Mizu-WebPhone is a lightweight standard based VOIP phone that can be run even from webpages.

  • Mizu Webphone -Gold
    The Mizu-WebPhone is a lightweight standard based VOIP phone that can be run even from webpages.

  • MizuDroid
    MizuDroid is a VoIP softphone for the Android platform.

  • MizuPhone for iOS
    MizuPhone for iOS is a VoIP softphone for the iPhone and iPad devices.

PACE Suite Enterprise Perpetual license upgrade from PACE Suite Pro


PACE Suite Enterprise Perpetual license upgrade from PACE Suite Pro
PACE Suite enables clients to accelerate and simplify the application packaging process and reduce cost

PACE uncovers the knowledge of experts needed for taking application packaging and virtualization to a new level.

PACE opens the door to:

  • mobility in application packaging
  • infrastructure-independent service delivery
  • spectacular scalability and capacity
  • automated routine efforts
  • reduced cost, time and risks

PACE software will enable you to reach decent cost and time savings in application packaging. Besides it will allow your software packaging engineers to focus on more interesting and creative tasks and bring more value to the company.

Available as a comprehensive suite, or sold separately:

  • MSI Editor
    Quickly edit and manage MSI packages.

SmartPhone Recovery Pro for iPhone (Mac)


SmartPhone Recovery Pro for iPhone (Mac)
With the ER210 SmartPhone Recovery Pro for iPhone (Mac) you can recover deleted data, including iMessages, SMS Text Messages, Contacts, Call History, Notes and Calendar Entries. You can also view existing Contacts, iMessages, SMS Text Messages, Call History, Photos, Notes, Internet History, Calendar Entries and User Dictionary. The recovery process can be carried out either directly from the device or from an iTunes backup file. All data found by the software can be exported to your Mac. Please note this software cannot be used to restore data back to your iPhone. This software can be used on up to 5 iOS devices (and their associated iTunes backup files).

Download Demo

Platform:   Mac OS X
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