Jul 30, 2015

Shredder 11 Linux


Shredder 11 Linux
Shredder 11 Linux is a professional computer chess program by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, the twelve times world computer chess champion. It combines extremely powerful play with easy handling. The play of the program can be variably adjusted to any strength, so that everyone can find an adequate chess partner. Many functions for analysing one's own games as well as a built-in coach, who is alert of one's mistakes, help to improve your play.

Shredder 12 Linux Screenshots
Shredder 12 Linux Screenshots
Shredder 12 Linux Screenshots

Welcome to Shredder Chess

The Shredder chess programs by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen provide a game playing and analysis tool for everybody and are accepted as one of the best chess programs of the world. Since 1996 Shredder has won eighteen titles as World Computer Chess Champion which makes Shredder the most successful chess program ever.
  • 1996 World Micro Computer Chess Champion in Jakarta
  • 1999 World Micro Computer Chess Champion in Paderborn
  • 1999 World Computer Chess Champion in Paderborn
  • 2000 World Micro Computer Chess Champion in London
  • 2001 World Micro Computer Chess Champion in Maastricht
  • 2002 World Computer Chess Blitz Champion in Maastricht
  • 2003 World Computer Chess Champion in Graz
  • 2003 World Computer Chess Blitz Champion in Graz
  • 2004 World Computer Chess Blitz Champion in Tel Aviv
  • 2005 World Computer Chess Blitz Champion in Reykjavik
  • 2006 World Computer Chess960 Champion in Mainz
  • 2007 World Computer Chess Blitz Champion in Amsterdam
  • 2009 World Computer Chess Blitz Champion in Pamplona
  • 2009 World Computer Chess Champion in Pamplona
  • 2010 World Computer Chess Blitz Champion in Kanazawa
  • 2010 World Computer Chess Software Champion in Kanazawa
  • 2013 World Computer Chess Blitz Champion in Yokohama
  • 2015 World Computer Chess Software Champion in Leiden

Get Shredder and other chess software, free chess download, online chess and information and news about computer chess here on our site.

Platform: Unix / Linux
Language: English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Dutch



7-PDF Server is a powerfull PDF Creator for you LAN/WAN. Converts over 84 File- and Images formats "nativ" to PDF only by using a smart WebApp - Interface called "7-PDF Web Portal". 7-PDF Server runs as webservice inside your network and there are also powerful PDF Libraries for PHP and Java, for integration in own software products and development projects. Try out the powerfull PDF Server that can convert over 2000 files to PDF per hour. 7-PDF Server is the right for your personal Intranet- or Web Portal. 7-PDF Server is free for personal use. For commercial and professional purposes you have to by a license after trail period.

Platform:   Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8

Logic Software Inc.

LapLink Gold 11.5 - English (Download)


LapLink Gold 11.5 - English (Download)
LapLink Gold 11.5's innovative features give you a level of mobility, independence and control you may never have dreamed possible. LapLink Gold gives you a virtual presence at your desktop PC from any place, at any time.
At your desk or traveling the globe, LapLink Gold gives you the ease of quick access to your desktop PC to tap into all of your network resources. Access files. Synchronize data between PCs. Run database applications. Operate, maintain, and even reboot remote PCs or servers.
Complete Connectivity
LapLink Gold 11.5 lets you select the connectivity option that best fits your work needs. Your choices include:
  • High Speed USB 1.1 (included with Physical Box), serial or parallel cables
  • Internet
  • Modem to modem
  • Dial-Up Networking
  • TCP/IP and IPX networks
  • Wireless, including Fast-Infrared
Uncomplicated Remote Control
LapLink products are consistently rated as the most innovative and easiest-to-use remote control software. LapLink Gold continues that tradition by enabling you to:
  • Remotely operate a PC.
  • Establish up to 15 simultaneous remote control sessions.
  • Retrieve files, access network resources and execute all desktop applications.
  • Exchange written messages with remote users via Text Chat.
  • Talk to remote users via Voice Chat.
  • Use remote resources, such as network printers or servers.
Unparalleled File Transfer Options and Speed
Need to create a back-up copy of mission-critical files? Or, do you need to pull from your network?s vast resources while on the road? LapLink Gold?s features are perfect and easy-to-use solutions to these and other file transfer needs. You can:
  • Move, copy or transfer files and folders using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface.
  • Resume file transfer right where it was interrupted saving yourself time.
  • Transfer just the updated portion of a file with LapLink?s patented SpeedSync?.
  • Synchronize folders automatically and schedule unattended file transfers, improving your efficiency.
Security You Can Trust
LapLink Gold 11.5 offers powerful security options, including:
  • Multi-level DES encryption, including Microsoft?s CryptoAPI.
  • Password failure lockout protection.
  • Folder-level security designated by the user.
System Requirements
  • MS Windows 95/98/NT4.0/2000/Me/XP/Server 2003
  • 24 MB RAM (32 recommended)
  • 23 MB of hard disk space

Business Data List Connector for SharePoint


Business Data List Connector for SharePoint
The fast, easy and complete integration of external LOB data, e.g. from databases, is a common equirement in the use of Microsoft SharePoint technology. Existing solutions, such as the Business Data Catalog (BDC) in SharePoint 2007 or the Business Catalog Service (BCS) in SharePoint 2010, are often too complex at the facility, bring with them limitations or they are are available for MOSS (Enterprise Edition) only.
The SharePoint Business Data List Connector (BDLC) on the other hand, connects a REAL SharePoint list (no Web Part) to almost any external business data , using a very simple list settings dialogue.
Fig: Configuration of the SharePoint BUsiness Data List Connector (BDLC) directly in the SharePoint list settings
It can be configured easily with 3 simple settings only regarding connection string, select statement and primary key(s).
The desired data can be presented without any restrictions, with the full read-only and write-back (CRUD) functionality of common SharePoint lists made available: views, sorting and grouping, filters, calculated fields can be created as usual.
Workflows and notifications per RSS or email can be used to take business actions directly in SharePoint, if external business data records are changed.
The SharePoint Business Data List Connector (BDLC) V3.0 is available for WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007, SharePoint Foundation 2010 and SharePoint Server 2010.

 Download Demo

Platform:   Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Server 2008

L.A.R.A V 1.0 Backup-CD

L.A.R.A V 1.0 Backup-CD
LARA, THE ultimate solution for transforming websites into other languages. All will be solved automatically excepting the text translation. But a projects textes can being extracted with a single mouseclick from design to being forwarded to translators in a clear text form without syntax etc. This also avoids possible error sources! Just reimport the translated textes and write your website in another language - fully redesigned, relinked and incl. all images at the right position etc. And if there are changes or adds in the original language there are mechanisms to find them exclusively to forward only the changes to the translator and even translation lookup functions are included to save translation money and time of course.
Platform: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista, Windows 7

Inzone Software Limited

Jul 29, 2015

PROMT Professional 9.0 Französisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Französisch (Box)


PROMT Professional 9.0 Französisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Französisch (Box)
Übersetzungssoftware für alle anspruchsvollen Anwender, die viel mit fremdsprachigen Dokumenten zu tun haben. PROMT Professional beschleunigt um bis zu 90 % die Bearbeitung der fremdsprachigen Korrespondenz und unterstützt Sie effizient bei Ihrer Übersetzungsarbeit. Höchste Übersetzungsqualität und der gewaltige Wortschatz von 650.000 Wörtern gewährleisten eine genaue und korrekte Textübersetzung. Dank der intelligenten Textanalyse werden sogar komplizierte Satzstrukturen korrekt übersetzt. Mit dem Datei-Übersetzer werden große Mengen von Dateien im Stapelverfahren schnell und effizient übersetzt.

Linguistischer Editor
Das Kernstück des Programms. Durch die farbliche Hervorhebung des gerade bearbeiteten Segments und seiner Übersetzung wird die Arbeit übersichtlicher. Das gilt auch für unbekannte und mehrdeutige Wörter, die sofort korrigiert werden können. Sie selbst legen die Regeln für die Übersetzung von Internet- und E-Mailadressen, Zeit- und Datumsangaben, Eigennamen usw. fest.

Einmalig: Integrierte DUDEN Rechtschreib- und Grammatikprüfung
Mit der integrierten Duden Rechtschreib- und Grammatikprüfung werden Fehler vor der Übersetzung oder vor der Eintragung in das Benutzerwörterbuch behoben, dies steigert die Übersetzungsqualität erheblich.

Fachkompetent und lernfähig
Für die Fachübersetzungen sind Wörterbücher Business Internet und Reisen in die Anwendung integriert. Mit speziellen Lernfunktionen, wie z. B. das Erstellen der benutzereigenen Wörterbüchern und Satzarchiven, kann PROMT Professional an die Übersetzung von komplexen und fachspezifischen Texten angepasst werden.

Übersetzungsdatenbank / Translation Memory
Ein Satzarchiv für die Speicherung für Sie wichtiger Sätze und Wortverbindungen mit ihrer korrekten Übersetzung. Nach der Übersetzung werden der Originaltext und seine überarbeitete Übersetzung automatisch in Textbausteine unterteilt und in einer Übersetzungsdatenbank abgespeichert. So lernt das Programm bei jedem Arbeitsvorgang mit und verwendet bei zukünftigen Übersetzungen auch das gespeicherte Satzmaterial. Dadurch ersparen Sie sich unnötige Arbeitsgänge und erhöhen die Effektivität Ihrer Tätigkeit.

Automatische Wörterbucherstellung
Die neue Technologie ermöglicht das Importieren des benutzereigenen Glossars in die PROMT-Wörterbücher. Durch diese Technologie können Sie in kurzer Zeit Ihre eigenen Wörterbücher in der Anwendung Dictionary Editor im automatischen Modus erstellen. Dabei kann auch die grammatische Information wie Wortart, Flexionsart des Ausgangswortes (der Ausgangswortverbindung) berücksichtigt werden.

Neben der automatischen Textübersetzung enthält PROMT Professional auch ein Wörterbuch als zusätzliche Anwendung um jederzeit unbekannte Wörter nachschlagen zu können.

Länderspezifische Sprachvarianten
Um die Übersetzungen an die lokalen Gegebenheiten anzupassen, stehen verschiedene Sprachvarianten zur Auswahl: Hochdeutsch oder Schweizerdeutsch und Französisch, Französisch (Schweiz) und Französisch (Kanada).

Neben der Anwendung der mitgelieferten Wörterbücher haben Sie die Möglichkeit eigene Wörterbücher anzulegen und zu bearbeiten. Dafür haben Sie einen Wörterbucheditor, der sich an die Anwender mit fortgeschrittenen sprachlichen Kenntnissen richtet. Setzen Sie sich Ihre eigene Wörterbuchbibliothek zusammen, stellen Sie die Prioritäten für die Übersetzungen ein, vergleichen Sie den Wortschatz der Wörterbücher miteinander, fügen Sie eigene Einträge hinzu und bearbeiten Sie diese.

PROMT Backup
Damit Sie Ihre gewohnte Übersetzungsumgebung auch auf anderen Computern nutzen können, speichert dieser Tool alle benutzerdefinierten Einstellungen wie die Themenvorlagen, Übersetzungsalgorithmen, Benutzerwörterbücher und Datenbanken in einem Archiv.

Plug-Ins für Microsoft Office 2000/XP/2003/2007 Anwendungen und OpenOffice Writer 3.x
Das Programm enthält Plug-Ins für die Microsoft Office 2000/XP/2003/2007 - Anwendungen: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Frontpage und Outlook sowie OpenOffice Writer 2.x. Mit diesen Plug-Ins werden die Anwendungen vollständig um die PROMT - Übersetzungsfunktionen erweitert. Nach der Übersetzung in diesen Anwendungen bleibt die Formatierung der Dokumente erhalten.

Übersetzung von E-Mails
E-Mails werden direkt in MS Outlook 2000/XP/2003/2007 übersetzt und automatisch in die voreingestellten Ordner übertragen.

Übersetzung von Webseiten und Messenger-Nachrichten
Dank der Integration in den Internet Explorer 5.x/6.x/7.x/8.x und Mozilla Firefox 1.5/2.0/3.x werden die Webseiten direkt im Browser übersetzt. Nur ein Mausklick und schon wird die Seite in einer anderenr Sprache dargestellt. Das Format der Seiten bleibt erhalten. Außerdem integriert sich PROMT in die aktuellsten Versionen von ICQ, Skype, Windows Live Messenger und QIP.

Plug-In für Acrobat Reader
Ein anderes Highlight von PROMT ist das mitgelieferte Plug-in für Adobe Acrobat und Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.x/6.x/7.x/8.x/9.x, dass Passagen aus PDF-Dokumenten übersetzt.

Automatische Stapelübersetzung mehrerer Dateien nacheinander. Mit diesem Tool werden große Mengen von Dateien schnell und effizient übersetzt.

Ein Offline-Übersetzer
Mehr Sicherheit für Ihre Privatsphäre alle Übersetzungen erfolgen lokal auf Ihrem PC.

 Download Demo

Platform:   Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64

Alex Gordon EN


Alex Gordon EN
Alex Gordon – a cat on a mission!
Travel at the side of the smart Alex through five fascinating Worlds filled of adventure and jump & run action. Help Alex to free his sister, and on your way collect coins and drive away enemies. Make sure to check every location, as you will need to collect pieces of an ancient amulet in order to save Alice.

  • 50 levels
  • Five game worlds
  • 15 bonus stages
Platform:   Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows Vista, Windows 7

Bome Software GmbH & Co. KG

  • CS1x-Edit
    CS1x-Edit is the first program for Windows to administer the Yamaha CS1x

  • ReNovator for ReBirth 2
    Author and Create mods for Propellerheads ReBirth 2.0

  • Restorator
    Localize, translate, customize, edit images, icons, dialogs, texts, and more in .exe, .dll, .res files directly with a visual editor

  • Bome's Mouse Keyboard
    Play your soundcard's synthesizer or any synthesizer or MIDI device with the Mouse or the computer keyboard.

  • Bome's Midi Translator Classic
    Translate MIDI messages on the fly, e.g. sys ex messages to controllers.

  • Bome's Image Resizer
    Resize, crop, rotate, and re-compress entire folders with photos

  • Bome's Send SX
    Send and receive arbitrary MIDI messages to and from MIDI devices.

DNSSoft Ltd

  • DiskGetor Data Recovery
    DiskGetor Data Recovery is a powerful hard disk data recovery software, fast free scan hard disk or hard drive partition, fast recover deleted (word/excel/music/zip/pdf/video) files or recover lost data from hard drive , lost/deleted/format/repartition/missing/Ghost raw partition or raid disk drive.The disk data recovery software Very easy to use in the world : select data recovery mode and only click "next" button, you can get lost data back.

  • DiskGetor Data Recovery (Unlimited License)
    DiskGetor Data Recovery is a powerful hard disk data recovery software.

GrooveIT! for My Calendars - Subscription


GrooveIT! for My Calendars - Subscription

Creates a single place for you to manage all your Microsoft Office Outlook and Groove calendars.

GrooveIT! for My Calendars is a highly effective and simple to use tool that facilitates and improves time management for Microsoft Office Groove and Microsoft Office Outlook users.

GrooveIT ! for My Calendars main features
  • Link your contacts to events
  • Synchronize and merge all your Groove and Outlook calendars in one view
  • Receive alerts about your upcoming events
  • Easily manage and filter all your events
  • Use different colors in a consolidated view, in order to distinguish between calendars
  • Read / Unread marks
  • Printouts
Platform:   Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, XP Tablet PC, .NET 2.0 Windows, Windows Vista

Shredder Mobile


Shredder Mobile
Shredder Mobile is a professional computer chess program by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen for your mobile phone.
Shredder Mobile is the version of the most successful chess program for your mobile phone. You can play against Shredder Mobile, analyse with him, solve chess puzzles, directly access our online endgame and opening databases and play against or analyse with Shredder 11 on our fast servers.
All online access is optional. If you wish Shredder Mobile also works fine without Internet connection on your mobile phone.
Shredder Mobile runs on most mobile phones with Java.

The chess board when entering a move.
Shredder Mobile Screenshots
You can start a new game, setup any chess position or display help and information in the main menu. Here you can also enter your license key to unlock the full version.
Shredder Mobile Screenshots
An example for a chess puzzles:
Shredder Mobile Screenshots
The wooden piece set
Shredder Mobile Screenshots
and the setup position dialog to enter any chess position:
Shredder Mobile Screenshots

Shredder Mobile Features

Here are the most important features of Shredder Mobile, the Shredder for your pocket:
  • Play against the build in chess engine with many levels
  • 120 built in chess puzzles with 3 levels
  • Enter any chess position
  • 2 piece sets
  • Online access to more than 1.200 GB endgame databases
  • Online access to opening book with 16 million moves
  • Online access to more than 23,000 chess puzzles with 3 levels
  • Online access to Shredder 11 on our fast servers to play and analyse
  • Send your games in PGN format via email
  • Smart move input
  • 500 Shredder Coins included
  • in English and German

Jul 25, 2015

SYNCING.NET Business Edition


SYNCING.NET Business Edition
SYNCING.NET is the best synchronization tool on the market Top reasons:
* SYNCING.NET combines synchronization of Outlook and Files in one tool.
* SYNCING.NET is very easy to use and can be setup in minutes. No special IT-knowledge is required.
* Your data is synchronized in real-time and fully automatically.
* SYNCING.NET transfers your data directly between PCs, what significantly improves synchronization speed.
* Your data is highly secured and encrypted at the highest level (military grade).
* You can share Outlook and Files with other SYNCING.NET users.
* All your data is available offline, so you can work even when no Internet connection is available.
* All existing Windows versions from XP to Windows 8 32- and 64-bit are supported.
* All major Outlook versions from 2002 to Outlook 2013 32- and 64-bit (also in Office 365 installations) are supported. Outlook Whether the desktop at the office, the laptop at home or the notebook for everything in between, SYNCING.NET makes certain you have your complete Outlook data available anytime and anywhere. Complete Outlook syncing: e-mail, contacts, calendars and tasks using only the Internet. And for the times you just don't have Internet access, the program works offline as well. For small and medium businesses and road warriors alike, we offer the best Outlook sync software solutions available. Sync Outlook between computers effortlessly and without a server. Sync Outlook contacts between your own PCs or share Outlook contacts with colleagues. Outlook contact synchronization Synchronize contacts between your laptop and notebook, or sync contacts between you and other colleagues. Our software solutions are very flexible, allowing for individualized data management. Choose what Outlook data you wish to sync and with whom you wish to sync it. Optimize data exchange for you and your company. Outlook calendar synchronization Keep Outlook appointments up-to-date on multiple computers. Sync your calendar with your own PCs or share Outlook calendars with colleagues. Real-time synchronization ensures that newly created appointments are always available to all participants within your closed user group immediately. With our SYNCING.NET Business Edition we offer businesses a powerful solution that ensures optimal team communication, without the big budget drain of servers and IT maintenance. Outlook calendar syncing for every member of the team - on site or off. All my PCs' Outlooks identical - easy and automatic Customers who want to synchronize their own PCs will find the perfect solution in our SYNCING.NET Software. The SYNCING.NET Editions can synchronize Outlook e-mails, calendars, contacts, tasks, and notes as well as any type of files. We offer different Editions depending on the number of devices so that you can sync your desktop PCs, laptops and notebooks, or any combination. Any PC, anywhere, anytime. Innovative synchronization solutions for today's business world! 

SolveigMM Video Splitter 5 - Home Edition


SolveigMM Video Splitter 5 - Home Edition

SolveigMM Video Splitter is advanced MPEG-2, AVI, WMV, ASF, MP3, WMA video and audio editor to operate in fast and lossless mode.

From version 2.0 MPEG-2 frame accurate editing support added.

SolveigMM Video Splitter has been presented on the market about 2.5 years! More and more video enthusiasts and professionals choose this product from hundreds alternatives.
Here some testimonials of Solveig Multimedia customers:

Thank you for your program. It has a fantastic interface and functionality - head and shoulders above all the others I tried.  I am amazed that full video editors such as ULead don't have the ability to cut sections out of a Video without re-encoding it. I looked for hours before finding yours. It worked just long enough for me to see it had a good interface. Now that I figured out a work-around, I am saving hours editing my WMV's with no loss in quality.
Peter Stirton, Canada, Oct 2008

Love the product so far, would like to see frame-accurate editing for WMV's. But this is the best around!
Roland Bowen, USA, Feb 2008

I tried the software and it worked out fine.  It really is doing what it is supposed to do. Namely, to split videos.
I also wish that you let me try the SolveigMM Video Editing SDK.  I wish I could put my hands it it.
Listen, congratulations on your sofware. I was using up until now the video splitter of this company: ... Your software is great. It was well worth the wait.
Joe Batallani, Italy, Jan 2007

Thank you for writing the Video Splitter. This is the best program of its type that I have seen! Great navigation operations and fast program response make editing tasks very quick and easy.
John Harris, USA, June 2007

I have been evaluating your video splitter product and would like to purchase for home use, it's a great product - the K-frame / frame navigation controls are pretty good!
Armitage, UK, June 2007

I've tried the SolveigMM VideoSplitter and I must say, for removing ads from WMVs this is by far the best program I've ever used
Stefan, USA, Nov 2006

Download Demo

Platform:   Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x32, Windows 8, Windows 8 x32, Windows 8 x64

CloudBerry Backup for WHS 2011 NR


CloudBerry Backup for WHS 2011 NR
Information on the subscription: we charge an annual maintenance fee of 20%. This includes free upgrades and support for the subsequent years. If you don't want to pay the maintenance fee you can keep using the previous version, there is no limitation, it is just that you can't upgrade in one year.
CloudBerry Online Backup for Windows Home Server provides a powerful Backup and Restore program designed to leverage Amazon S3 storage to make your disaster recovery plan simple, reliable, and affordable.
Windows Home Server is a great way to protect your data. However you are still vulnerable to physical disk failures and inadvertent deletions. As a result your data might be lost forever. CloudBerry Backup for Windows Home Server provides you with another level of protection by copying your data to secure online storage powered by Amazon S3


  • Easy installation and configuration
  • Seemlesly integrates with WHS control panel
  • Default backup plan is designed to quickly start WHS data backup
  • Scheduling capabilities
  • Data encryption
  • Data retention schedule
  • Secure online storage
  • Data versioning
  • Differential backup
  • The ability to restore to a particular date
  • Backup verification

Coming soon

  • Virtual Disk - expose Amazon S3 storage as a local disk on your computer
  • Storage costs estimates
  • Web interface access your backup storage everywhere
  • FTP support
  • Alerting notifications
  • Azure Blob Storage support


  • Backup and Restore Wizards make this service user friendly
  • Strong data encryption protects your data from unauthorized access
  • Data compression reduces the size of your backups
  • Scheduling capabilities automate the backup process
  • Backups are available for recovery 24/7
  • Intuitive interface provides easy file and folder selection capabilities
  • No proprietary storage format. You can access your files using other Amazon S3 tools.

 Download Demo

Platform: .NET Windows, .NET 2.0 Windows

DataNumen Outlook Express Undelete


DataNumen Outlook Express Undelete
DataNumen Outlook Express Undelete is a powerful tool to recover deleted email from Outlook Express mail folders. It uses advanced technologies to scan the mail folders and retrieve deleted email in them as much as possible.

Main Features:
1.Support to recover deleted email from Microsoft Outlook Express 5/6 mail folders.
2.Support to recover dbx files stored on corrupted medias, such as floppy disks, Zip disks, CDROMs, etc.
3.Support to recover a batch of dbx files.
4.Support to recover mails in dbx files as large as 4GB.
5.Support to recover email attachments.
6.Support to find and select the dbx files to be recovered on the local computer.
7.Integrated with Windows shell, so you can retrieve deleted email in a mail folder with context menu in the Explorer easily.
8.Support drag & drop operation.
9.Support command line parameters.

Download Demo

Platform:   Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003, XP Tablet PC, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista x64

Debenu Pty. Ltd.

Advanced ETL Processor Professional - site license


Advanced ETL Processor Professional - site license
Advanced ETL Processor Professional is a Codeless Automation Tool.
Users can design Data transformations and Sql script add them to the package together with report, file, ftp, email and many more actions and schedule them for execution on regular basis
By combining simple Package actions together Advanced ETL Processor Professional helps businesses to automate complicated business processes and everyday tasks.
Advanced ETL Processor Professional supports complex enterprise environments including database, file, smtp, pop3 and ftp servers.


 Download Demo

Works out of the box, Backed up by Free, Fast, Unparalleled Support

What can Advanced ETL Processor Professional Do?

Advanced ETL Processor
is designed to automate everyday routine tasks. Typical usage of it would be extract data from Excel File,Validate Date Formats, Sort data , deduplicate it and load it into the database, run stored procedure or Sql script. Once loading is completed send email to the administrator.
Some examples of what our customers use this ETL tool for include:
Extracting data from:
  • Multiple Delimited or Fixed width Text files
  • Multiple Excel files + Multiple Excel Spreadsheets
  • Multiple MS Access Databases
  • Multiple DBF Files
  • Any ODBC compliant database
  • MS Sql Server
  • Multiple Tables
And Loading it into: 
  • Multiple Data Targets
  • Sql scripts execution before and after loading
  • Delimited or Fixed width Text file
  • MS Access Database
  • Microsoft Excel File
  • DBF File
  • Oracle 7-11g database
  • SQL server 7- 2005
  • Any ODBC compliant database
  • Split, merge Fields
  • Split data and load it into different tables
  • Add, replace, delete strings
  • Run custom transformations
  • Translate coded values
  • Derive a new calculated value

  • Load Data into ANY database
  • Export Data from ANY database
  • FTP Downloads and Uploads
  • Create or Delete directories on FTP server
  • Rename or delete files on FTP server
  • Send Emails with attachments
  • Receive Emails with attachments
  • Save attachmets
  • Compress files
  • Decomress zip files
  • Copy, move, rename, merge, delete files
  • Compare files using MD5, size or creation  date
  • Check if file exist
  • Generate Reports
  • Execute Different part of package depending of the day of the week
  • Schedule packages for execution
  • Run bat files or execute any windows application
  • Edit and run SQL Scripts
  • Execute Packages from the command line
  • Add Records
  • Update Records
  • Delete Records
  • Add New and Update existing Records
  • Deduplicate Data
  • Sort Data
  • Group Data
  • Summarize Data
  • Pivot and UnPivot Data
  • Create surrogate keys
  • Run Sql script before and after loading data
  • Filter Source Data
  • Use Select Statement as a Data Source
Every package  execution is logged,If something went wrong Advanced ETL Processor Pro writes detailed message into the log and writes a record into rejected records file.

Key Facts

  • Multiple Delimited or Fixed width Text files
  • Multiple Excel files + Multiple Excel Spreadsheets
  • Multiple MS Access Databases
  • Multiple DBF Files
  • Any ODBC compliant database
  • MS Sql Server
  • Multiple Tables
  • Full support for ODBC connection strings

There are two ways of loading available:
  • Oracle direct path loading
  • Conventional path
SQL server
This software uses the same API as Microsoft DTS service. 
  • High performance - hundreds of records per second
  • Comprehensive Error log
  • Rejected records file
  • Low OS Memory requirements
Advanced ETL Processor runs on Microsoft Windows 98/ME/NT 4.0/2000/XP/2003/Vista
There are two types of licenses available
1. A single computer usage license. The user purchases one license to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on one computer.
2. A SITE usage license. The user purchases a single usage license, authorising the use of SOFTWARE PRODUCT, by the purchaser, the purchaser's employees or accredited agents, on an unlimited number of computers at the same physical site location. This site location would normally be defined as a single building, but could be considered to be a number of buildings within the same, general, geographical location, such as an industrial estate or small town.

SimpleIAX for Delphi Subscription, single license renewal


SimpleIAX for Delphi Subscription, single license renewal
The SimpleIAX is a component library for CodeGear Delphi and C++Builder, allowing to build the VoIP applications. SimpleIAX is built on top of the IAXClient - an open source, multiplatform library for creating telephony solutions that interoperate with Asterisk, the Open Source PBX.

The SimpleIAX is basically a compact set of the Delphi classes, which are using the iaxclient.dll. The classes are wrapping the IAXClient API into the more high-level Delphi OO API, and hiding many original IAXClient library pitfalls.

The IAXClient library is a portable IAX/IAX2 protocol telephony client library. The IAX/IAX2 protocol is used to commpunicate with Asterisk IP-PBX server. The home page for the IAXClient is http://iaxclient.sourceforge.net/.

The IAXClient library is compiled into iaxclient.dll. The up-to-date and tested version of iaxclient.dll is supplied with the SimpleIAX library in the Bin folder. And we does not recommend to use other DLL versions with SimpleIAX.

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Platform:   Windows 95, Unix / Linux, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64

Jul 22, 2015

Deep Shredder 9 Linux


Deep Shredder 9 Linux
Deep Shredder 9 Linux is a professional computer chess program by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, the ten times world computer chess champion. It combines extremely powerful play with easy handling. The play of the program can be variably adjusted to any strength, so that everyone can find an adequate chess partner. Many functions for analysing one's own games as well as a built-in coach, who is alert of one's mistakes, help to improve your play.
The most important features of Deep Shredder 9 Linux are:
  • User interface that is easy to handle and can be set up individually
  • Many different sets of pieces and chessboards
  • Chess engine with extremely powerful play, that can be individually adjusted and configured
  • Moves can easily be entered by mouse or keyboard
  • Games can be provided with alternative lines and comments
  • Free, open protocol between user interface and chess engine (UCI protocol)
  • Several chess engines that differ in their playing style

Quick Heal Total Security (1 year)


Quick Heal Total Security (1 year)
Comprehensive Antivirus Protection. Powerful Features. Steady Performer. Latest technology brings to you a safer web browsing experience, smoother integration and enhanced speed. Gives assured virus protection as certified by Check Mark and VB100% Blocks USB devices from accessing confidential data

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Quick Heal PCTuner


Quick Heal PCTuner
Clean the Junk off Your PC. Secure Delete. The agile software used in PCTuner ups the system performance and deletes traces of popularly used applications in the system. Enhanced features remove unwanted programs at startup boosting the overall system boot time. No more individual cleanup activities required with the Auto cleanup feature Redundant files are deleted on the basis of a true file check


Outerspace Software

AudioRealism Bass Line Multi User License


AudioRealism Bass Line Multi User License
This license is intended for institutions or studios which allow multiple users (maximum 10) have access to the software.
Return of a legend - The legendary silver box which is hallmark in electronic music has been recreated in the AudioRealism Bass Line Synthesizer. Sophisticated analog modeling techniques have been employed to create a DSP-algorithm that accurately emulates every aspect of the original Bass Line, from growling basses to hollow middles and beeping highs with metal rattling accents. Patterns are composed in a fashion similar to the original Bass Line using the integrated step sequencer with easy to use manipulation functions such as transpose and randomization. 

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