Jan 31, 2014



This program scans your harddrives or CD-ROMs for audio files and reads the embeded meta information (title, artist, album, etc.) into a database. With the search capabilities of a database program you can find a title in seconds and enqueue or play it or launch your preferred audio player application, e.g. WinAmp. This software is fun when you already have collected a large number of MP3 files.
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Meeting Manager for SharePoint 2007 / 2010

Meeting Manager for SharePoint 2007 / 2010
SharePoint out-of-the-box includes basic meeting management features. Typically customer requirements go far beyond this, e.g. with access rights, protocol design and function, workflow management and follow-ups. The SharePoint Meeting Manager by Layer2 adds this features very flexible, to configure customer specific solutions.

SharePoint Meeting Manager
Fig.: SharePoint Meeting Manager sample template.
The Meeting Manager is available for SharePoint starting with WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007.
Please download and evaluate this feature now for free.
For any questions please check our FAQs or contact sales@layer2.de directly.

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Enhanced SharePoint User Tasks Web Part

Enhanced SharePoint User Tasks Web Part
If working with SharePoint collaboration portals, numerous task lists exists in the various areas of work, scattered on various websites and pages of a site collection. So you can quickly lose the overview with your tasks!

Fig.: Enhanced SharePoint User Tasks Web Part by Layer2
With the Enhanced SharePoint User Tasks Web Part by Layer2 you can rollup these tasks from various lists of the site collection together, with very flexible display according to different criteria and clearly present - like in Outlook.
  • Fexible data source: Tasks can be aggregated from the whole site collection, from the current site or from all sites below the current site.
  • Filtering: tasks can be filtered for not started, in progress, waiting for, delayed.
  • Sorting: Tasks can be sorted by priority, due date or title ascending or descending.
  • User: The user whos tasks should be shown can be selected. By default tasks of the current user are shown.
  • The amount of task items can be limited to a given value.
Fig.: Configuration settings of the Enhanced SharePoint User Tasks Web Part by Layer2
Please download and evaluate this web part now for free.
For any questions please check our FAQs or contact sales@layer2.de directly.

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Hard Disk Sentinel PROFESSIONAL 20 licenses


Hard Disk Sentinel PROFESSIONAL 20 licenses
Hard Disk Sentinel PROFESSIONAL monitors hard disk status, health, performance and temperature. Additionally, it can perform scheduled backup operations and/or execute such operations upon any hard disk problem, for example it can start automatic backup on low disk condition.

Hard Disk Sentinel PROFESSIONAL can effectively be used to prevent serious hard disk damage or data loss. It warns before a problem can occur and this gives opportunity to backup important and valuable data. Thanks to the automatic (scheduled) and panic-backup features, your valuable data will be safe. 




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HsSmsDll, Company License (no source code)


HsSmsDll, Company License (no source code)
HS SMS DLL is a Windows Dynamic Link Library enabling applications to send, receive, read and delete SMS messages via a GSM modem attached to PC COM port, supporting selected features of standards GSM 07.05 (ETS 300 585) and GSM 03.40. HS SMS DLL includes integrated encryption which can be optionally used to encrypt and decrypt SMS text using AES, DES, 3DES, ARC4, CAST128, Blowfish or Twofish. HS SMS DLL is designed for use from Visual C / C++, VB (v6 and 2003), C# .NET and other programming languages, capable of calling DLL functions. Full C source code is included in "Professional License" edition. SUPPORTED GSM / GPRS MODEMS & MODULES: Falcom SAMBA 75,Falcom SAMBA 55,Siemens MC35, Siemens MC39i,Siemens TC35,Siemens TC65,Siemens TC45,Nokia 12,Novatel Merlin U630 Option PC Cards. Serial interface of the HS SMS DLL library supports COM ports from COM1 to COM32, speeds from 110 to 115200, selectable data, stop bits, parity and hardware flow control. HS SMS DLL Library allows to send SMS text in plain ASCII text format or "Binary to ASCII HEX" format where any binary data is converted to ASCII HEX representation, so that each binary byte is transmitted as 2 ASCII HEX bytes, the reverse decoding is done when message is received. HS SMS DLL Library operates in a non-blocking asynchronous manner and the same core DLL supports interfacing to programs written using both old style native API (Visual C and VB ver 6, 2003) and .NET applications. HsSmsDll library internally consists of upper interface layer, underlying core SMS module (HsSms) and encryption module (HsCipherSdkdll.dll). HsSms at the bottom layer interfaces to serial communications module HsCom. HsSmsDll library may be used from both non .NET and .NET applications. If used from C# .NET application, the interface is implemented via an additional C# wrapper DLL HsSmsDllCs.dll

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HsCipherSDK Source Code License (Company)


HsCipherSDK Source Code License (Company)
HsCipherSDK is an Encryption Library providing an API to a suite of symmetric key cryptographic algorithms and one way hash digital signature algorithms. The library includes the following block and stream cipher modules: 
* AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) - FIPS 197 
* DES and Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard) - FIPS-46-1, FIPS-46-3 
* ARC4 (Alleged RC4) CAST-128 (a.k.a CAST5) - RFC 2144 
* Blowfish algorithm 
* Twofish algorithm 
* MD5 message digest algorithm - RFC 1321 
* SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) - RFC 3174 
* SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm) - FIPS 180-2 HsCipherSDK includes standard DLL for use from Visual C, standard DLL for use from Visual Basic and ActiveX DLL (COM object) for use from Visual C, Visual Basic or any other language supporting activeX. HsCipherSDK itself is fully written in Visual C (plain C style) and the source code is included with HsCipherSDK Blueprint edition. HsCipherSDK allows the calling user application to perform the following operations: 
* Encrypt and decrypt memory buffers with selected algorithm and key 
* Encrypt and decrypt disk files with selected algorithm and key 
* Digitally sign buffers using one of selected hashing algorithms 
* Digitally sign disk files using one of selected hashing algorithms
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 HsCipherSDK Source Code License (1 Developer)

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PROMT Professional 9.5 Gigant
Übersetzungssoftware für alle anspruchsvollen Anwender, die viel mit fremdsprachigen Dokumenten zu tun haben. PROMT Professional beschleunigt um bis zu 90 % die Bearbeitung der fremdsprachigen Korrespondenz und unterstützt Sie effizient bei Ihrer Übersetzungsarbeit. Höchste Übersetzungsqualität und der gewaltige Wortschatz von 1.150.000 Wörtern gewährleisten eine genaue und korrekte Textübersetzung. Dank der intelligenten Textanalyse werden sogar komplizierte Satzstrukturen korrekt übersetzt. Mit dem Datei-Übersetzer werden große Mengen von Dateien im Stapelverfahren schnell und effizient übersetzt.

Unterstützte Übersetzungsrichtungen:

  • Englisch -> Deutsch und Deutsch -> Englisch
  • Französisch -> Deutsch und Deutsch -> Französisch
  • Spanisch -> Deutsch und Deutsch -> Spanisch
  • Russisch -> Deutsch und Deutsch -> Russisch
  • Englisch -> Russisch und Russisch -> Englisch
  • Französisch -> Englisch und Englisch -> Französisch
  • Spanisch -> Englisch und Englisch -> Spanisch
  • Portugiesisch -> Englisch und Englisch -> Portugiesisch
  • Italienisch -> Englisch und Englisch -> Italienisch

Linguistischer Editor
Das Kernstück des Programms. Durch die farbliche Hervorhebung des gerade bearbeiteten Segments und seiner Übersetzung wird die Arbeit übersichtlicher. Das gilt auch für unbekannte und mehrdeutige Wörter, die sofort korrigiert werden können. Sie selbst legen die Regeln für die Übersetzung von Internet- und E-Mailadressen, Zeit- und Datumsangaben, Eigennamen usw. fest.

Fachkompetent und lernfähig
Für die Fachübersetzungen Englisch - Deutsch sind Wörterbücher Business, Jura, Software, Internet, Reisen, Sport, Auto, Kino, Kochkunst, Musik, Geschichte, Haushaltstechnik, Technik, Politik, Kunst, Religion, Soziologie und Medizin in die Anwendung integriert. Für Deutsch - Französisch: Business, Internet, Fußball und Reisen. Für Deutsch - Russisch: Internet, Fußball, Auto, Bau, Business, Computer, Recht, Medizin, Technik, Verlagswesen. Für Deutsch - Spanisch: Fußball. Mit speziellen Lernfunktionen, wie z. B. das Erstellen der benutzereigenen Wörterbüchern und Satzarchiven, kann PROMT Professional an die Übersetzung von komplexen und fachspezifischen Texten angepasst werden.

Übersetzungsdatenbank / Translation Memory
Ein Satzarchiv für die Speicherung für Sie wichtiger Sätze und Wortverbindungen mit ihrer korrekten Übersetzung. Nach der Übersetzung werden der Originaltext und seine überarbeitete Übersetzung automatisch in Textbausteine unterteilt und in einer Übersetzungsdatenbank abgespeichert. So lernt das Programm bei jedem Arbeitsvorgang mit und verwendet bei zukünftigen Übersetzungen auch das gespeicherte Satzmaterial. Dadurch ersparen Sie sich unnötige Arbeitsgänge und erhöhen die Effektivität Ihrer Tätigkeit.

Automatische Wörterbucherstellung
Die neue Technologie ermöglicht das Importieren des benutzereigenen Glossars in die PROMT-Wörterbücher. Durch diese Technologie können Sie in kurzer Zeit Ihre eigenen Wörterbücher in der Anwendung Dictionary Editor im automatischen Modus erstellen. Dabei kann auch die grammatische Information wie Wortart, Flexionsart des Ausgangswortes (der Ausgangswortverbindung) berücksichtigt werden.

Neben der automatischen Textübersetzung enthält PROMT Professional auch ein Wörterbuch als zusätzliche Anwendung um jederzeit unbekannte Wörter nachschlagen zu können.

Länderspezifische Sprachvarianten
Um die Übersetzungen an die lokalen Gegebenheiten anzupassen, stehen verschiedene Sprachvarianten zur Auswahl: britisches oder amerikanisches Englisch, Hochdeutsch oder Schweizerdeutsch sowie Französisch (Frankreich), Französisch (Schweiz) und Französisch (Kanada).

Neben der Anwendung der mitgelieferten Wörterbücher haben Sie die Möglichkeit eigene Wörterbücher anzulegen und zu bearbeiten. Dafür haben Sie einen Wörterbucheditor, der sich an die Anwender mit fortgeschrittenen sprachlichen Kenntnissen richtet. Setzen Sie sich Ihre eigene Wörterbuchbibliothek zusammen, stellen Sie die Prioritäten für die Übersetzungen ein, vergleichen Sie den Wortschatz der Wörterbücher miteinander, fügen Sie eigene Einträge hinzu und bearbeiten Sie diese.

PROMT Backup
Damit Sie Ihre gewohnte Übersetzungsumgebung auch auf anderen Computern nutzen können, speichert dieser Tool alle benutzerdefinierten Einstellungen wie die Themenvorlagen, Übersetzungsalgorithmen, Benutzerwörterbücher und Datenbanken in einem Archiv.

Plug-Ins für Microsoft Office 2003/2007/2010/2013 (32 Bit) Anwendungen und OpenOffice Writer (2–3.2)
Das Programm enthält Plug-Ins für die Microsoft Office 2003/2007/2010/2013 (32 Bit) - Anwendungen: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Frontpage und Outlook sowie OpenOffice Writer (2–3.2). Mit diesen Plug-Ins werden die Anwendungen vollständig um die PROMT - Übersetzungsfunktionen erweitert. Nach der Übersetzung in diesen Anwendungen bleibt die Formatierung der Dokumente erhalten.

Übersetzung von E-Mails
E-Mails werden direkt in MS Outlook 2003/2007/2010/2013 (32 Bit) übersetzt und automatisch in die voreingestellten Ordner übertragen.

Übersetzung von Webseiten und Messenger-Nachrichten
Dank der Integration in den Internet Explorer (7–10 32Bit), Mozilla Firefox (17), Google Chrome (25) und Opera (10–12) werden die Webseiten direkt im Browser übersetzt. Nur ein Mausklick und schon wird die Seite in einer anderenr Sprache dargestellt. Das Format der Seiten bleibt erhalten. Außerdem integriert sich PROMT in ICQ (ICQ 2003b, ICQ Lite, ICQ6, 7), Skype (3–5.1), Windows Live Messenger 8, QIP Infium (9044).

Plug-In für Acrobat Reader
Ein anderes Highlight von PROMT ist das mitgelieferte Plug-In für Adobe Acrobat und Adobe Reader (6–11), dass Passagen aus PDF-Dokumenten übersetzt.

Automatische Stapelübersetzung mehrerer Dateien nacheinander. Mit diesem Tool werden große Mengen von Dateien schnell und effizient übersetzt.

Ein Offline-Übersetzer
Mehr Sicherheit für Ihre Privatsphäre alle Übersetzungen erfolgen lokal auf Ihrem PC.

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Jan 25, 2014

USB HID Logger Standard


USB HID Logger Standard
More and more devices that support the HID data exchange interface have been appearing lately. It can be laboratory, measurement or medical tools, barcode, RFID or fingerprint scanners, UPSs (uninterruptible power supplies). It is not always that software supplied with these devices offers the necessary features. USB HID Logger program is intended to supplement or completely replace the "native" software.

This version supports the service mode on Windows 2000+ and doesn't support plugins.
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Virtual Null Modem Lite


Virtual Null Modem Lite
Null-modem cable is basically used for communication of two RS-232 "DTE" devices with each other. To create null-modem connection between the devices you need to use two computers or two serial ports of a single computer connected with null-modem cable. The both methods described above are expensive and difficult because of many reasons. The most reliable way to create null-modem connection is using of virtual serial ports emulated by virtual serial port driver and null-modem cable.
Why do you need to emulate serial ports and null-modem connection? There are few main reasons to do it. Firstly, you don’t need to have two computers connected with real null-modem cable. Secondly, there’s no need in a single PC with several free serial ports and additional multi serial port devices which are expensive and bulky. To emulate null-modem connection Virtual Null Modem can be effectively used. The program emulates one or more couples of RS-232 serial ports connected via virtual null-modem cable. It is possible to create the unlimited couples of virtual serial ports on a single PC and connect them in any sequence using virtual null-modem cable. Usually you need to use virtual null-modem when you have two applications to be connected via serial ports. In contrast to ordinary connection you do not need any additional hardware (computers, physical serial ports, cables) to perform it. Virtual null-modem allows user emulate virtual null modem connection and run the two applications simultaneously on the same computer. Moreover, it is possible to emulate real-world situations by adding some errors to the data exchange which may occur during the physical null-modem connection. Owing to its features set Virtual Null Modem can sufficiently ease the work of software developers and testers occupied in the field of industrial automation. Furthermore, the program may also be useful in the reverse engineering as well as in educational needs.

This version allows to create one virtual null modem device and doesn't allow to add data interferences and don't use a line control.

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iPhone Spy Recovery (Mac)


iPhone Spy Recovery (Mac)
With the CDR200 iPhone Spy Recovery (Mac) you can recover deleted data, including iMessages, SMS Text Messages, Contacts, Call History, Notes and Calendar Entries. You can also view existing Contacts, iMessages, SMS Text Messages, Call History, Photos, Notes, Internet History, Calendar Entries and User Dictionary. The recovery process can be carried out either directly from the device or from an iTunes backup file. All data found by the software can be exported to your Mac. Please note this software cannot be used to restore data back to your iPhone.

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CloudBerry Explorer for Google Storage


CloudBerry Explorer for Google Storage
Information on the subscription: we charge an annual maintenance fee of 20%. This includes free upgrades and support for the subsequent years. If you don't want to pay the maintenance fee you can keep using the previous version, there is no limitation, it is just that you can't upgrade in one year.
CloudBerry Explorer makes managing files in Google Storage EASY. By providing a user interface to Microsoft Google Storage accounts, and files, CloudBerry lets you manage your files on cloud just as you would on your own local computer.

Google Storage for Developers

Google Storage for Developers is a RESTful service for storing and accessing your data on Google's infrastructure. The service combines the performance and scalability of Google's cloud with advanced security and sharing capabilities

Main features:

  • Register and connect to any number of Google Storage accounts
  • Work with any number of Google Storage accounts simultaneously
  • Create, browse, and delete Google Storage files
  • Create, browse, and delete folders
  • Copy and move files between Google Storage and your local computer
  • Create Buckets
  • List Buckets
  • Delete Buckets
  • Upload/ Download files
  • Copy/ Move files
  • Delete files
  • Rename files
  • View files
  • Generate URL for files
  • View files properties
  • Copy/Move in background
  • Synchronize folders
  • Copy files from Windows Explorer
  • Remember user settings
  • Built-in feedback form
  • Automated check for updates

System Requirements:

My Favorite Beatles Guitar - PDF


The songs are fully fingered and and targeting: guitar soloist, guitar -teachers and guitar students who are looking for wonderful pieces to enrich their repertory.   

1. Here There And Everywhere
2. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
3. All My Loving
4. Across The Universe
5. Lady Madonna
6. We Can Work It Out
7. It's Only love8. Here Comes The Sun
9. Octopus's Garden
10. Blackbird


For notes example see: Blackbird 
Few vides playing by Naftali  Lahav at the bottom of this page: http://www.nl-guitar.com/5limor2.htm

Coolmuster Android Assistant


Coolmuster Android Assistant
Better Manage Android Data in One Place on Windows Computer!

As one-stop Android managing software, Coolmuster Android Assistant is fully capable of dealing with Android media, contacts, SMS, apps, etc. in one place on your PC! It features all the functions one may require for the management on Android devices like:

* Hammer at backup and restore overall Android phone's data on PC with 1 click & retain 100% quality.

* Breezily push music, videos, photos, etc. from PC to your phone.

* Add, delete, unduplicate and edit contacts on PC.

* Send & reply text messages directly on your Computer.

iStonsoft MobileRescuer for iOS


Top-notch iPad, iPod & iPhone Data Recovery for Personal Use

Whatever the reason for causing your data loss on iPad, iPhone or iPod touch, the rescuer is in! iStonsoft MobileRescuer for iOS is a professional yet reliable desktop application, which allows users to retrieve their lost or deleted data from iPad, iPhone and iPod devices and iTunes backup files arbitrarily.

* Recover more than 10 types of files directly from iPhone, iPad and iPod devices.

* Rescue all your lost data from iTunes backup files without connecting device.

* Thumbnail preview enables you to find and locate the exact files you need. 

Jan 15, 2014

Password Officer 5.0 Standard


Password Officer 5.0 Standard
Logon anywhere quickly and securely!

Password Officer offers a professional solution for all your password issues: generating, entering, storing, securing, changing, transporting and accessing. Password Officer addresses each of these issues and makes your life simpler so you can be more productive and secure.

Security coupled with convenience: the strongest possible encryption, secure database of your most valued secrets, automatic logon to applications, servers and web, quick search support and much more...

  • fully handles logon to web-pages
  • filling in the URL, forms, clicking to buttons
  • detects and fills in any program window
  • automatically runs programs
  • Terminal Server or Linux terminals supported
  • allows to define macros
  • highly secure password generator
  • maximum security:
    - strongest possible encryption - AES
    - Trojan horse protection
    - dictionary attack protection
    - keybord inputs invisible
  • secure storage for credit card numbers and all secrets
  • password file zipped on the fly
  • quick search for right password
  • one-click to your favorite password
  • complex, yet easy to use stylish interface
Top security, maximum convenience, greater productivity, saves time every day - that's the new Password Officer.

 Version Standard is able to work with up to 40 passwords and logon sequences and does not support smart cards. If you want the unlimited solution, choose the version DeLuxe.

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Phone Copier Express


Phone Copier Express

    Extremely Fast and Incredibly Easy
Connect the phones. Select what you want to transfer. Press Copy. That’s it! Automatic detection recognizes both phones within seconds. Choose from contacts, messages, photos, videos, music and organizer. MOBILedit! Phone Copier utilizes a completely new way to transfer media files which allows for the fastest transfer available on the market.

    Intelligent Transfer by the Phone Experts
MOBILedit! Phone Copier has been instilled with our incomparable know-how on phone data extraction that we have developed over the last ten years. In addition to supporting common mobile phone brands like HTC, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, LG, and Motorola, MOBILedit! is also at the forefront in supporting the many different smartphone operating systems including Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Symbian, WM/Windows Phone and Bada. Our technology of extracting data and understanding hundreds of different protocols is what led the US Military, FBI, CIA, IRS and police departments in 75 different countries to rely on our expertise for their forensic software and now you can have this expertise available for use in your company.

    Efficient Self-serve Setup
Our application is so easy to use that you can let the customer do it themselves at a self-serve kiosk. You will be providing a more complete service to your customers with no additional employee time required to deploy it. Staff can remain focused on their normal responsibilities like selling more phones and now they will have an extra benefit to offer to help close those sales.

    The Only Purely Software-based Transfer Solution
Select the right cable, connect the phone, tap whatever data you want to extract from call logs, SMS, MMS, app data (e.g. WhatsApp, Skype, Dropbox, Evernote), contacts, files, photos, videos, recordings and documents and then tap extract. The phone data cannot be viewed or modified on the tablet making it ideal even for those who do not have permission to see the content. Forensic Express will generate a report that can later be viewed by forensic personnel or imported directly into advanced forensic analysis software such as I2 or Tovek.

    Get all-in-one and save
Our extensive phone expertise has allowed us to create the only complete transfer solution that requires no hardware. This means lower costs for your company with no requirement to spend money on hardware or shipping. MOBILedit! Phone Copier can be in your stores in less time than it takes you to finish reading this page. One other advantage of a purely software-based solution is that you can supply your users with a license for the home version of MOBILedit! Phone Copier Touch for those that would prefer to take care of it at home. Our PC Suite MOBILedit! Basic can also be provided in this way if the user is interested in more phone data management features than just phone copying. MOBILedit! Basic allows complete control of your phone data so you can add, edit, delete, synchronize or back up anything you would like.

    Connection kit accessory available with fast shipping
Our award-winning forensic Connection Kit is also a perfect complement, providing a full assortment of all USB cables you will need to connect to the more than 3,000 phones supported by our software.

MOBILedit! Enterprise


MOBILedit! Enterprise
This version contains license for enterprise usage, like providing services in phone shops or service centers.
This package includes also 12 months of updates and upgrades for MOBILedit! It gives you all the latest drivers and functionality, which are quickly growing in the dynamically changing mobile world.

OPC Scada Viewer Professional


OPC Scada Viewer Professional
The family of the OPC software technologies is a unified interface for controlling automation objects and technological processes. Most gauges, monitoring and control devices nowadays have OPC servers that can be used to obtain the current data. OPC Scada Viewer supports the main and most widely used OPC DA1 and DA2 standards that allow you to exchange data with programmable logic controllers, human-machine interfaces, computer numerical controlled devices and other devices in real time.

OPC Scada Viewer allows you to easily and very visually display data received via the OPC interface. Data is displayed in real time, which allows you to use the program for permanent control and monitoring in various systems. OPC Scada Viewer offers a lot of indicators for displaying the values of OPC tags, from simple analog pointer indicators to charts and diagrams. It is possible to customize every indicator separately for your needs.

A good example of using the program is replacing a large and cumbersome SCADA in a system where it is necessary to only control and monitor and where there is no need to send any commands back.



Retrieving data from one or several OPC servers simultaneously. You may configure the program to watch data from several OPC servers on one screen;
Displaying the value of an OPC tags with the help of a wide range of indicators. The list of indicators includes analog and digital indicators, gauge, scale and level indicators, matrix indicators, graphs with history values, charts and much more;
Different indicators for different types of OPC tags. All idicators are divided to groups, that are depended on a supported data type: logical values, strings, integers and fractions;
Customizable visualization parameters for each indicator. Most indicators allow to configure color and font type, limits and others;
Creating several tabs with different sets of indicators. Tabs allow put together several indicators as a group;
Background image. Using any image as the background image for indicators, that allows to link an indicator to a specific point of engineering process;
Visual and sound warnings. Visual and sound warnings when an OPC tag exceeds the specified limits allow to attract an operator attention in critical situations;
Feedback. It is possible to write values to OPC servers. For example, you can rotate switchers for BOOL values;
Scripts. Multiple VB scrips for each visualization block;
Scaling. OPC value scaling using an user defined expression like: COS(X)+10;
Automatically controlling a connection and keeping it alive. This function allows to control the OPC server and try to restore the connection to the OPC server when the connection is broken;
Supporting all Windows version. The program works on all Windows version starting from Windows 95, including servers and x64.

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Jan 14, 2014

TCP COM Bridge Standard


TCP COM Bridge Standard
TCP COM Bridge is a utility program that works as an RS232-TCP/IP software converter and allows to forward data from a physical or virtual COM port to an Ethernet network. Using this program, you can turn any computer into a "serial device server." TCP COM Bridge lets you create a connection between two COM ports on two different computers, even via the Internet. This way, you can build distributed data collection systems using legacy software that supports COM ports only.
This version allows to create 2 connections only and can't work in the service mode. Please, read about version features here. 

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DNC Precision Professional


DNC Precision Professional
These days, digital technologies are coming into use in almost every area of our life. High precision of machine-controlled operations coupled with extended overall reliability ensure optimum result. Almost everything from photos to financial reports becomes digital.
However, some areas of process automation are somewhat neglected. Despite the fact, numeric control devices are an older technology than digital photography, there are not enough quality software solutions allowing DNC\CNC management. I bet, you can easily name several all-inclusive photo editing tools, while it is really a problem to find good DNC\CNC management software. Will the situation ever change? It has already!
Introducing DNC Precision by AGG Software, the unique feature-packed NC operation and management software, allowing full control of the process via serial port. DNC Precision operates as a multiple NC programming and management gateway allowing for access to numerically controlled device. The application is capable of both manual and automatic commands file transfers, ensuring optimum performance even on those larger systems, which include several machines connected to different serial ports.
DNC Precision can work in server mode, managing input and output commands transmitted to and from an NC device. Due to highly configurable process control engine it is possible to set DNC Precision up the way which suits best for your DNC needs. Another great feature of DNC Precision is its reporting capability. Thanks to custom-generated reports it is possible to know what exactly goes well and what not when debugging programs for NC devices. Extensive actions logging is also of great value as it shows the big picture, which in turn means greater optimization possibilities!
DNC Precision comes with flexible licensing options, volume discounts and even a FREE trial version! Thats right! You can try it before actually purchasing DNC Precision. So go ahead and download FREE trial version now!

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UltraMixer 4 Home Cross


UltraMixer 4 Home Cross 
"UltraMixer" is a DJ mixing software which enables you to mix digital music in various formats such as MP3, WMA, AAC, OGG, WAV or CDs in real time. All you need is a sound card. The DJ's turntables are replaced by two digital SoundPlayers, the "vinyls" are available within seconds through the integrated FileArchive. No matter whether you want to use "UltraMixer" for a professional gig or at a private party or as virtual jukebox in restaurants, hair studios or medical surgeries - it will prove the right choice! "UltraMixer Home" contains all basic functions of their big brothers "basic" and "professional". Whether you want to use "UltraMixer Home" at home or at parties, the intuitive and clearly structured user interface enables you to will be a digital DJ.

Jan 9, 2014

Cell Phone Data Recovery PRO for iPhone (Mac)


Cell Phone Data Recovery PRO for iPhone (Mac)
With the CDR200 Cell Phone Data Recovery PRO for iPhone (Mac) you can recover deleted data, including iMessages, SMS Text Messages, Contacts, Call History, Notes and Calendar Entries. You can also view existing Contacts, iMessages, SMS Text Messages, Call History, Photos, Notes, Internet History, Calendar Entries and User Dictionary. The recovery process can be carried out either directly from the device or from an iTunes backup file. All data found by the software can be exported to your Mac. Please note this software cannot be used to restore data back to your iPhone.

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Jan 8, 2014

DotFix NiceProtect Developer License and Wireless Communication Library Lite (Discount NY License) with 1 Year of Updates and Support


DotFix NiceProtect Developer License and Wireless Communication Library Lite (Discount NY License) with 1 Year of Updates and Support
NiceProtect means external protection for your applications. Protection is called external because it is set upon a compiled application and it does not require any modifications in the source code.

For example, if you implement a registration check in any way and then compile and publish this software on a website, any hacker can disassemble the program, find the registration check and crack the protection mechanism. To avoid this, you can use NiceProtect. If you protect your program with this protector after the compilation, hackers will not be able to disassemble and explore the application code because it will be encrypted. Moreover, the protection mechanism employs modern technologies of polymorphism and metamorphism, which makes it much more difficult for hackers to analyze the kernel of protection. It will be extremely hard to remove protection because the entry point of the program will be partially translated into metamorphic code and partially executed on the virtual machine, which will considerably complicate its restoration. In addition, if your wish, your program code will be packed, which will reduce the size of the program without any loss in its functionality. As a result, we have a nice packer + external protection that is recommended to be used in all your programs.

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RonyaSoft Poster Printer (Enterprise License)


RonyaSoft Poster Printer (Enterprise License)
RonyaSoft Poster Printer is software for large format poster and banner printing, big sign and mural creation. Software is compatible with standard printers and does not require special plotters. Any picture, digital photo, Microsoft Word or Excel document can be used to make the poster. Moreover, it is possible to acquire image from a scanner or a camera.
With a convenient and easy-to-use interface, you will create a huge high-quality poster in no time. Just select an image, specify the size and send the print job to the printer. Use glue to put separate parts together and your poster is ready. Make a great poster yourself!
Poster Printer allows printing posters with the size up to 10 x 10 meters;
The application supports popular image formats (bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff, wmf, emf);
Built–in scaling algorithms enlarge the image with little to no loss of quality.

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Log4View Professional License Renewal


Log4View Professional License Renewal
- Filter by loggers, log levels or any other criteria.
- Search log entries by loggers or message text.
- Supports wildcards and regular expressions.
- Fully customizable GUI including color and font of individual loggers.
- Reads log output from File-, UDP- and TCP-Appenders.
- Support for multiple log sources.
- Support for consolidated view of separate log sources in a single message view. 

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